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The online application will become available on December 16, 2024. Completed applications must be submitted electronically by February 14, 2025. Notifications of decisions will be sent by March 17, 2025.


Demographic information


Resume (in PDF form)


Personal statement (500 word maximum, save in PDF form): Indicate your reason for applying to SPURS and any prior research experience. Please briefly indicate your topic of research interests and describe your future education and career goals. We ask that your personal statement directly discusses any barriers that you have overcome in your educational journey in your path towards a career in science. Please also address, if applicable, if you come from an economically or educationally disadvantaged background, and how you have demonstrated a commitment to diversity.


Unofficial academic transcript (in PDF form) which should include fall 2023 grades.


In addition to the above application components, we require 2 evaluation letters from faculty mentors, former bosses, academic advisors or other individuals who can comment on your potential as a student in our program. Please download the form here (download form). The form and accompanying letter of recommendation should be emailed to SPURS directly at Letter of recommendations are due on February 14, 2025. Notifications of decisions will be sent on 3/17/2025.




PLEASE NOTE: Your application is not considered complete unless we have received your
mographic information, resume, personal statement, unofficial transcript and 2 letters of recommendation.



• US citizens or permanent residents

• Undergraduate student at time of application. Please note that preference will be given to students who are rising juniors or seniors. Freshmen        and graduated seniors will be eligible.

• GPA of 3.0 or above

• Students from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds (such as first-generation college attendee or low income) or have overcome barriers in their educational journey.

• Interested in pursuing graduate education in a biomedical field (MD, MD/PhD, or PhD)


Program Description

Full-time summer research experience. There is no ability to be enrolled in summer classes during this experience, whether it be in person or virtual classes.  The program will take place from Wednesday, May 28 to Friday, July 25, 2025.


Students will be assigned a faculty mentor with whom the student will conduct directed full-time research in an area of mutual interest.


In addition to research, interns will participate in weekly seminars and workshops. During the weekly seminars, students will have regular opportunities to discuss their research projects.


Meetings with staff and mentors will provide an informal setting for discussions of varied topics, such as: opportunities in academia and the nature and rewards of an academic career.


Housing will be provided on Columbia’s Morningside Heights campus with housing costs paid by the SPURS program. No meal plan is provided..


$5,000.00 stipend for living expenses plus additional $500 flexible spending for each student. Flex allows for a students, faculty, and staff to use their Columbia ID to pay for goods and services at all 12 Dining locations as well as a number of other on and off-campus m


For any questions, please contact the SPURS program at:
A member of the SPURS staff will get back to you by the end of the next business day. If you have an urgent question or do not receive a response by email, please contact Ivy Lei, Administrative Coordinator, Department of Physiology & Cellular Biophysics, Russ Berrie Medical Science Pavilion,  Rm 508, 1150 St. Nicholas Ave, NY, NY 10032 | Phone: 212 851-5340 | Fax: 212 851-5345



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